Legacy Society Renews Effort for Canada 150 Funding Support

March 30, 2016

(Annapolis Royal, NS) The Canada Legacy Society (CLS)  is exploring new funding avenues following disappointing news from the federal government that their original proposal did not specifically qualify as a Canada 150 Signature Initiative.

However the CLS was informed that the government would discuss the possibility of the Society receiving support under other criteria defined in correspondence as the Canada 150 Community funding stream.

Accordingly the CLS has been in active and frank communication with Heritage Canada staff and area Members of Parliament to identify and obtain funding through this, and other, revenue avenues.

“Obviously we were extremely disappointed with the initial determination that we didn't qualify under what they define as a Signature Initiative, especially because we had been receiving very positive feedback on our proposal right up until the moment we were informed of the decision”, said CLS President Michael Tompkins, Mayor of Annapolis Royal.

“But we refuse to be deterred in advancing our proposal that requests funding support for an excellent concept that we have been working on for over a year”, Tompkins maintained.

He said that subsequent communication with federal representatives over the past week has been encouraging and he expected an alternative option would be offered to the CLS very soon.

Tompkins added that while the Society was working towards a positive outcome and optimistic following current discussions, CLS municipal representatives were prepared to visit Ottawa, and with the assistance of West Nova MP Colin Fraser meet with federal government officials to advocate for their proposal.

The Canada Legacy Society was originally comprised of nine municipal units, the Municipality of the County of Kings; the Town of Middleton, The Municipality of the County of Annapolis; the Town of Annapolis Royal; The Municipality of the District of Digby; the Town of Digby; the Municipality of Argyle; the Town of Yarmouth and the Municipality of the District of Yarmouth.

Recently the Municipality of the District of West Hants, the Town of Windsor and the Village of Lawrencetown also joined the group, making a total of 12 members, with several others actively considering formal participation.

The CLS also announced that Kerry Johnson of Cornwallis Park, Annapolis County, had accepted one of the two appointed positions on the Legacy board. Mr. Johnson is the President of the Jordantown Acaciaville Conway Betterment Association in Digby.

“These community leaders  came together in a strategic decision that led to the forming of a collaborative Society”,  Tompkins explained,  “Demonstrating  that they were not only together but steadfast in their desire to secure maximum funding support for an initiative that would benefit all Canadians”.

For over a year the CLS has been chaired by Municipality of Annapolis Chief Administrative Officer John Ferguson, who said that the cooperative effort had gone smoothly with overwhelming support from all the municipal partners.

“This can fairly be described as an unprecedented occasion in inter municipal cooperation in terms of its purpose and impact ”, Ferguson said, “And much deserved recognition has to  go to the Mayors, Wardens, Councils and their staff in deciding to take a uniquely collective approach to securing support”.

While the Canada 150 funding program would constitute the major portion of the regional heritage project, the provincial government has also indicated it would contribute financial and administrative support for the initiative.

In its submission the Society prepared and delivered a detailed and inclusive promotional strategy for southwest Nova Scotia to the Government of Canada and will be publicly releasing their plans once funding support has been secured.


For additional information contact:
Peter MacLellan
Legacy Committee Communications Coordinator
(902) 308-3331

John Ferguson
Legacy Committee Chair
(902) 532-3130


Federal Government Reviewing Legacy Society Funding Proposal

(ANNAPOLIS ROYAL, NS) The federal government is currently reviewing a funding proposal submitted last fall by the Canada Legacy Society (CLS), a consortium of nine municipal units from western Nova Scotia focused on a collaborative regional approach to mark Canada's 150th birthday celebrations scheduled for 2017.

The CLS executive was briefed on progress by West Nova Member of Parliament Colin Fraser during a meeting on February 12 in Annapolis Royal.

Fraser said that the proposal was currently before senior Heritage Canada staff in Ottawa and a decision on funding should be coming soon.

Read more: Federal Government Reviewing Legacy Society Funding Proposal

Nominations - Annapolis County Volunteer Week 2016


Nomination deadline
February 8th, 2016

The Annapolis County Volunteer Awards & Reception is cooperatively coordinated by the Municipality of the County of Annapolis, the Town of Annapolis Royal and the Town of Middleton.

Volunteers are an important part of your community.  They coach your child’s team and direct community theatre. They respond to fires and look for missing persons. They spearhead community events and development initiatives. Volunteers provide meals to grandparents, serve at church suppers, protect the environment, and serve on boards that deliver health care services. Volunteers play a critical role in every community across Canada and throughout Nova Scotia. (NS Health Promotion and Protection, 2010)

Read more: Nominations - Annapolis County Volunteer Week 2016

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